Routeburn Track Patch

$19.90 NZD
$19.90 NZD

Looking for a way to showcase your love for one of New Zealand's most iconic hiking trails? Look no further than our Routeburn Track iron-on patch! Featuring a stunning design that captures the rugged beauty of this incredible trail, this patch is the perfect addition to your hiking gear.

Crafted from high-quality woven threads and featuring an easy-to-use iron-on backing, this patch is a versatile way to add some personality to your clothing or accessories. With its vibrant colors and intricate details, our Routeburn Track patch is sure to turn heads and spark conversations wherever you go. 


7,6cm wide.


Step 1: Choose the spot where you want to place the patch on your clothing or accessory. It's important to make sure the fabric (Preferably use denim or cotton) is clean and dry before applying the patch. Please note synthetic materials are not ideal for iron-on patches.

Step 2: Heat up your iron to the temperature recommended for the fabric. It's usually between 260-280°F (130-140°C) for cotton fabrics. Check the care label on your fabric for specific instructions.

Step 3: Place the patch on the fabric with the design facing up. Make sure the patch is centered and aligned properly.

Step 4: Place a piece of cloth or parchment paper over the patch to protect it and the fabric from direct heat.

Step 5: Press the hot iron firmly over the patch for 10-15 seconds. Apply pressure evenly over the entire patch, making sure the edges are sealed properly.

Step 6: Allow the fabric and patch to cool down completely before handling it. This will ensure that the glue has properly adhered to the fabric.

Step 7: Once the patch is completely cool, remove the protective cloth or parchment paper and check to make sure the edges of the patch to make sure they are properly sealed.

Congratulations! You have successfully applied the iron-on patch to your clothing or accessory. Enjoy your new custom look and wear it with pride.